Hmm, Today (Sunday, 26th Oct), me and other 5 members from caklempong went beraya at rumah Mona (also one of the caklempong members). We ate Mee Kari which specially cooked by her mother (jgn main2 tau... Dalam Mee Kari tuh ada sosej). Nice actually!
Apparently, her house is very near to Sunway Piramid (very near here means that time taken from her house to Sunway Piramid, by foot, took only 5 minutes! Serious! Best giler boleh gi jalan2 kat Shopping Complex belakang rumah!). After beraye and makan2 till perut penuh nak mampus, we decided to play Bowling kat Sunway Piramid tuh. Actually kitorg sajer2 jer ckp. Bkn nak main sangat pon. Then, Mona kata dia leh bawak kitog gi Sunway Piramaid dari rumah dia, kitorg pon on ajer.
Hahaha! This was actually my second time playing bowling with my friends. Sebelum nih penah main sekai jer. Tu pon time kat matric. Xder member la nak ajak main.
Best gak gi main td, walaupon aku ni kira newbie lagi. Balik bola pon x betol. Luckily, I was not in bottom 3 (Out of 7 people) time main bowling tu. Plus, i was able to do what they called as "Strike" for two times! Quite impress for a beginner right! Member2 lain dah lama men pon ada yg xdapat wat "Strike"! Hahaha (gelak jahat)! Aku der bakat terpendam kot main bowling.
Dah la. Malas nak citer pjg2. tgk jer gambar kat bawah nih. Baca sumer captions tuh.
Hmm, Today (Sunday, 26th Oct), me and other 5 members from caklempong went beraya at rumah Mona (also one of the caklempong members). We ate Mee Kari which specially cooked by her mother (jgn main2 tau... Dalam Mee Kari tuh ada sosej). Nice actually!
Apparently, her house is very near to Sunway Piramid (very near here means that time taken from her house to Sunway Piramid, by foot, took only 5 minutes! Serious! Best giler boleh gi jalan2 kat Shopping Complex belakang rumah!). After beraye and makan2 till perut penuh nak mampus, we decided to play Bowling kat Sunway Piramid tuh. Actually kitorg sajer2 jer ckp. Bkn nak main sangat pon. Then, Mona kata dia leh bawak kitog gi Sunway Piramaid dari rumah dia, kitorg pon on ajer.
Hahaha! This was actually my second time playing bowling with my friends. Sebelum nih penah main sekai jer. Tu pon time kat matric. Xder member la nak ajak main.
Best gak gi main td, walaupon aku ni kira newbie lagi. Balik bola pon x betol. Luckily, I was not in bottom 3 (Out of 7 people) time main bowling tu. Plus, i was able to do what they called as "Strike" for two times! Quite impress for a beginner right! Member2 lain dah lama men pon ada yg xdapat wat "Strike"! Hahaha (gelak jahat)! Aku der bakat terpendam kot main bowling.
Dah la. Malas nak citer pjg2. tgk jer gambar kat bawah nih. Baca sumer captions tuh.
Bowling lanes kat Sunway Piramid tuh
From left, Ikbar, Mona ngan Aku (Bergaya bersama bola bowling). Kat kanan sekali tuh xkenal ok. Pakcik mana ntah. Haha!
Bergambar lagi! (From left, Ikbar, Mona, Yana, Hanif)
Kasut bowling. Actually, aku baru tau yg we actually have to bring our own pair of socks when we wanted to rent the bowling shoes. Tp, budak2 ni wat tak tau jer. Aku pon mula2 wat kat tau, tapi xselesa la pakai kasut tak pakai stoking. So, aku pon beli la satu kat kaunter tuh (rm3 per pair).
Duh, Sunway Piramid!
Pendek kata, i was having fun with my friends today. Thanks to Mona, Ikbar, Eton, Hanif, Yana and Azim (adik Mona). Sori Eton, xder gambar ko. Ingat nak bluetooth jer, tp terlupa. Hoho! We planned to go bowling again after exam. Maybe on 10th of Nov (Don't know wether i got exam on this date or not). Hmm, xsabarnyer. Saper2 nak join, jom la! Leh wat tournament skali. Haha!
K ar. Chow Chin Chow!
P/s - Gambar still blur2 because of my 0.3MP hp camera. Insya-Allah i will reward myself with a new hp, with 2.0 or 3.2Mp camera, if i get good result for this coming final exams!
K ar. Chow Chin Chow!
P/s - Gambar still blur2 because of my 0.3MP hp camera. Insya-Allah i will reward myself with a new hp, with 2.0 or 3.2Mp camera, if i get good result for this coming final exams!
da lama tak main boling betul ni. asyik longkang je.. huhu
tapi skrg aku main pki nintendo Wii.. hehe.. best2
leh r lepas ni lawan ngan kak aton. ditegaskan disini, KAK ATON ok. walaupun dia nye bola tu kitorang leh lepas men 2/3 org...tp leh dpt strike jugak tu LOL
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