When washing your pair of jeans, make sure that you turn it inside-out before you place it in the washing machine. This is to avoid back-staining effect, unwanted contrast between the white and indigo dyed fibers.
It's a good thing!
P/s - Kak Martha Stewart, I borrow your tangline kejap tau. XOXO!
sbb ko dh tnye aku psl blog english ko kn, make berade lah aku di sini. haha. tp aku nk tnye, yg.. ape bnd tu. kt bwh post tu. kn ade org buleh mail, blog, twit, etc tu. cmane nk letak bnd tu?
@ lan - sila tgk kat sini: http://buzz.blogger.com/2010/06/new-share-buttons.html?spref=bl
Mls nak explain. haha!
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