Friday, November 27, 2009

Reminder to myself

I always mistakenly used the word 'do' or 'does'. In one of my post from my main blog, I wrote a sentence like this:

Why should I befriend with someone who don't want to befriend me anymore?!

Teyha corrected me. I should replace the word 'don't' with 'doesn't'.

Aziz, remember this pattern:-

I do
You do
They do

He/She does
Ali does
My friend does
Someone does

After this, I hope that will aware whenever I make this silly mistake in the future.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Perkara Annoying Yang Berlaku Dalam Bas (Semalam...)

  1. Aku duduk sebelah sorg nih. Pada satu masa tuh, aku mendapati bahawasanyer, org yg duduk sebelah aku tuh sedang berusaha dgn gigih untuk memicit jerawatnyer. Duh? Tunggu la balik umah dulu kot. Picit jerawat tuh masa org takder kat sekeliling. By the end of the case, aku x sure dia berjaya ker tak meletupkan jerawat tersebut selepas beberapa attemps yg agak menjengkelkan. (Nasib baik dia x korek hidung. Hahaha!)
  2. (Yang nih ada unsur2 kegelian sikit. Jangan baca jika anda seorg yg sentitif. ) Aku nak terberak dalam bas. Hahaha! Satu hari aku tahan beb. Tandas kat ofis x best. Last2, sembelit. Adeh...
Itu saja.. Assalamualaikum....

P/s - Aku rasa content blog aku nih semakin kurang ilmiah la..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friend No More? Alright Then.

Why should I befriend with someone who doesn't want to befriend me anymore?!

Anyone, enlighten me, please.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nak update, tapi...

Aku mmg nak update, tp sejak kebelakangan nih, asik penat jer. Byk bnda aku nak tulis sbnrnyer, termasuk "perkara-perkara annoying yg berlaku...", tp tu la, penat. Alasan sungguh. Hahaha!

Aper2 pon, aku nak bg tau nih. Symphony Group of Companies ada wat Job fair. Click here to know more info. Ada 500 jobs to be filled! Cepat2. Last date this Thursday (26th Nov). Kalo korg apply tuh, letak ar nama aku (Abdul Aziz Ahmad from Inbound Dept) as referral yer. K ar.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ntah apa-apa..

Aku sebenarnyer nak post pasal Si Namewee (Si Negarakuku) tuh, pasal video baru dia pasal TNB, tp malas ar. Wat semak blog aku jer. Ntah aper2 ntah si Namewee tuh. Kalo korg nak tau lebih lanjut, korg pi kat sini jer. Aku malas nak post kisah pasal sorg yg giler publisiti murahan, sorg graduate universityi from overseas yg tak tau beza antara "shut down" ngan "break down". Hahahaha!

Wah2, sejak akhir nih, kat KL asik hujan jer petang2. Alhamdulillah. Aku suka. Sbb kalo x, panas giler. Panas sampai kalo duduk kat dalam bilik berkipas pon still boleh berpeluh. Nah, nikmatilah gambar suasana hujan di belakang rumah ku. Hehe.

Dah cakap dah, post nih memang ntah apa-apa..

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Wow! Just finished watching this great movie. It is a 4-years-ago movie though. I didn't have the chance to watch it back then. Yesterday, when I was just exploring a movie-download site, I found the link for this movie. At that very moment, straight to my mind, that I must download the movie. It took almost half a day for the download to finish (yeah, internet connection in Malaysia is not that good yet). Whatever it is, it was worth it!

For those who haven't watch it yet, I really recommend you guys to do so. You will love the characters, the scenes, the costumes.. You will love all of it but you will hate Count Olaf though. Hehe! Anyway, click here to know more about the movie. Or, click here to know more about Lemony Snicket's works.

P/s - It is a very fantabulous movie if compared with Harry Potter (2009) and the Half Blood Prince. This latest movie of Harry Potter nearly bored me to death. Seriously!

Perkara Annoying Yang Berlaku Di Jalanraya

  • Sorg pakcik tuh, bawak moto, bersama-sama dgn dua pembonceng lain, anaknya di bahagian depan, isterinya di belakang (hubungan antara mereka adalah sekadar assumption only. Tp tuh bkan main concern kat sini). Hmmm, satu kesalahan di jalan raya. Membahayakan nyawa anak dah isterinya kerana membawa lebih muatan.
  • Sambil2 dia bawak motor tuh, dia merokok dan menghembuskan asap kepada anaknya yg duduk di bahagian depan. What the? Isterinya tidak kisah barangkali, sbb time tuh aku nampak dia tersenyum saja. Aiseh, pakcik2, kesian la kat anak pakcik yg kecik tuh. Pakcik nak isap rokok, tuh pakcik punya pasal, tp jgn la sampai membabitkan anak pakcik sekali.

P/s - Aku rasa mcm nak jdkan "Perkara Annoying" nih as sub-main post aku ar. Mcm best jer. Haha!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Source - Everybody Hates Chris - 207 - Everybody Hates Promises

Type - Adjective

Synonyms - nominal, titulary

Definition -
  • Of or relating to a legal title or something
  • Of or bearing a title signifying status or function - "titular rank"
  • Of or pertaining to the title of a work of art - "performed well in the titular (or title) role"; "the titular theme of the book"
  • Of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility - "titular dignitaries"
  • Existing in name only

The example below illustrate the definition of the word 'titular' as 'existing in name only'.


I’m out on my own again. Face down in the porcelain. Feeling so high but looking so low. Party favors on the floor. Group of girls banging on the door. So many new fair-weather friends ooo…

Have you ever been so lost. Known the way and still so lost.

Caught in the eye of a hurricane. Slowly waving goodbye like a pageant parade. So sick of this town pulling me down. My mother says I should come back home but. Can’t find the way cause the way is gone. So if I pray am I just sending words into outer space.

Have you ever been so lost. Known the way and still so lost. Another night waiting for someone to take me home. Have you ever been so lost.

Is there a light. Is there a light. At the end of the road.
I’m pushing everyone away. ‘Cause I can’t feel this anymore. Can’t feel this anymore.

Have you ever been so lost. Known the way and still so lost. Another night waiting for someone to take me home. Have you ever been so lost. Have you ever been so lost.

Katy Perry

Perkara Annoying Yg Berlaku Hari Nih

  1. On the way aku balik dari Setapak, menuju ke KL, ada satu lori nih block jalan, yg mana dua lane jalan menjadi satu lane, menyebabkan kesasakan berlaku sehingga 500 meter (aku nak tulis sampai 1 km, tp mcm exaggerate la plak. haha!). Hampeh sungguh pemandu lori tersebut. Nasihat aku, len kali, try la cari parking kat tmpat len. Ingat jalan tuh ko pnya ker?
  2. Ada sorg mamat tuh sesuka hati dia jer buang plastic bag merata-rata. Aku pantang betol. Aku nak jer rekemen kat govt Malaysia utk kuatkuasa akta buang sampah merata-rata nih. Mcm Singapore. Baru bersih sket Malaysia nih. Kalo x, wat malu jer ngan sampah sarap merata-rata.
Ok, sekian saja utk Perkara Annoying Yang Berlaku Pada Hari Ini.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kentut Betol Ar!

Hampeh. Kentut. Aku x suka betol ar. Seyes aku cakap.

Sajer jer nak letak tajuk post berunsur dramatik, so akan lebih ramai org baca. Suspen kan? Hahahahaha! Aku x marah kat saper2 pon. Aku marah kat seekor binatang nih. Binatang bernama LIPAS!

Hampeh betol. Berani tol dia invade bilik aku. Ni ar lipasnyer. Berkeliaran kat langsir bilik aku. Ces sungguh.

Aku x takut tp aku geli giler kat lipas nih. Fobia sbb time sekolah rendah dulu, sekor lipas penah masuk dalam seluar aku. Geli giler siot!

Aku try halau lipas nih. Tp, punya la lipas kudung. Laju giler lari. Last2, aku biar jer. La. Lantak ko la lipas woi. Jgn sampai aku nampak ko lagi sudah. Aku ambik spray karang.