Thursday, September 12, 2013


It is just the first week of the semester, and I feel that I have to struggle more than I expected before I sign up for the English major. As mentioned before, I have to attend several undergraduate courses as the prerequisite. I think I'm gonna have difficulties in Semantics and Discourse Analysis classes. These are third and forth years courses. Oh, and Introduction to Linguistics as well because of that 30% marks for the group project. T.T

Anyway, I have to pull it through. I have signed up to live in campus for this semester (which cost me about RM840) and I'm hoping that I could spend more time in reading all the books in my own room. Yeah, I don't have much privacy at home, and it was very difficult to concentrate to my studies while I at home. At least, I can discipline myself more if I live on my own. :)

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