Sunday, February 9, 2014

Semantics: Lexical Analysis - Relational Meaning


The concept of invariant meaning is described by researcher Tobin (1995) in his book of Invariance, Markedness and Distinctive Feature Analysis as:

According to Columbia school approach, the invariant meanings of linguistic signs in isolation can be characterized by a semantic concept or set of concepts called a semantic substance or domain. If more than one sign can be characterized by the same semantic substance, these signs are in oppositional relationship of their categorization of that semantic domain. When the invariant meanings of a set of signs taken together exhaustively classify a semantic substance, this is called a grammatical system. Each grammatical system has an internal and external structure. The internal structure of each grammatical system is related to the way the semantic domain is organized and divided. Since the members of the system exhaustively classify the semantic substance, there is no residue in that semantic domain that cannot be referred to explicitly by one of the postulated invariant meanings. Since each invariant meaning is attached to a signal, the number of signals and the number of invariant meanings for each grammatical system is the same. (p. 44)

In his other book, Tobin (1990) added that from the semiotic or sign-oriented point of view, the most basic, practical and fundamental synergetic principle of language is invariance versus variation. The same linguistic sign with a single invariant meaning can be inferred to have many and diverse messages as well as multiple syntactic and pragmatic functions within different discourse contexts.

Consider the polysemy word drove below:-

·         Ali drove his wife
·         Ali drove his wife crazy
·         Ali drove the herd home

The examples showed the use of the word drove in different situation. Nevertheless, they carry the core invariant meaning which the act of led something from X to Y. In short, invariant meaning can be defined as a distinctive semantic domain shared by a set of signs.


This study is about how the concept of invariant meaning is related to relational meaning. I have chosen the following sets of words: mengata, mengutuk, memaki, mencerca and menghina, which hypothetically to have the same relational meaning. The examples to be analyzed were collected from authentic sources, written by the native speakers of the language itself. The sources are mainly from major online newspaper publisher in Bahasa Melayu namely Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, Harian Metro and Malaysiakini. The use of authentic materials characterizes a true to life, genuine, original text that originates from the written or spoken aspects of everyday life in the target culture. Another reason of the idea of using authentic materials is to expose the students to language in real world and how it is really used.


1.       Mengata

Example #1

“Orang hanya pandai mengata, tuduh saya tak tahu jaga anak dan macam-macam lagi”, Rohani.

Saya tanggung malu. (2013, October 23). Harian Metro.

The person (Rohani) mentioned that people just know how to condemn and accuse her, not knowing how to raise her child.
X referred to Rohani, the one being condemned, while Y is the doer. The act of condemning X (Rohani) by Y (other people)

Example #2

Mat rasa bukan rakan Mat saja yang macam tu, tapi ramai lagi perempuan di luar sana berperangai begitu. Semuanya gara-gara mulut. Kalau tak mengata orang, memang tidak sah. Yang satu pihak mengata keburukan orang dan yang satu pihak lagi pula dah sah-sah takkan berkawan dengan kumpulan perempuan yang mengata dirinya. Sudahnya, berpecah-pecah. Kalau setakat pakaian saja nampak semenggah tapi perangai kuat mengata tu masih ada, jawapannya buruk jugalah mereka tu.

Bertudung tapi kuat mengata. (2012, February 26). Harian Metro.

The writer (Mat) was expressing his view about the act of condemning other people by women with hijab, which can cause society to be disunited. He also added that there is no use dressing as Muslimah but you don’t behave like one. 
The act of condemning X (other people) by Y (some people, in this context, the one wearing the hijab)

Example #3

Tak ada angin tak ada ribut si B yang bermulut lahar, canang satu dunia si A kena buang daripada OTD kerana ada masalah disiplin. Walhal A masih bekerja biarpun ditukarkan ke jabatan lain selepas namanya diburukkan B. Bukan main lantang lagi B mengata itu ini, sedangkan diri sendiri tak adalah popular mana. Sekadar muncul dengan satu album, kemudian namanya terus tenggelam. Nampak sangat dia cemburukan A yang lebih bernasib baik.

Sanggup mengata kerana cemburu. (2013, March 24). Harian Metro.

The writer was telling the readers about the bad behavior of artist B, which went around bad-mouthing and condemning artist A while it was not true. The writer assumed that artist B did that due to envy.
Y which refers to artist B was badmouthing X (artist A) out of jealousy. The act of condemning X (artist A) by Y (artist B)

2.       Mengutuk

Example #1

"Soal agama tidak sepatutnya ada toleransi, malah pemimpin Tionghua juga mengutuk perbuatan pasangan ini. Oleh itu rakyat Malaysia minta supaya Alvin dan Vivian ditahan serta merta dan dipenjarakan", kata Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, ADUN BN Kinabatangan.

Penjarakan Alvin, Vivian. (2013, July 17). Berita Harian

Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin stressed that there is no compromise in any action of insulting the religion (Islam). He added that even the Tionghua leaders expressed the action by the couple Alvin and Vivian to be reprehensible.
The Tioghua leaders, Y, disapproved the action done by the couple Alvin and Vivian, X. The act of condemning X (Alvin and Vivian) by Y (Tionghua leaders)

Example #2

Semalam, sekumpulan wartawan ingin mengirim surat bantahan kepada kumpulan media berpengaruh luas, termasuk berkempen kepada pengamal media yang rasa berang dengan berita itu agar turut serta. Surat mereka kepada pengerusi kumpulan media berpengaruh besar itu, Tan Sri Mohamed Hashim Ahmad Makaruddin, mengutuk Kosmo! dengan menyifatkan laporannya itu "hari paling gelap dalam sejarah kewartawanan Malaysia."

Kosmo! mohon maaf isu Yasmin. (2009, July 30). Malaysiakini. 

A group of reporters condemned the tabloid newspaper ‘Kosmo!’ due to an article published by the tabloid on the personal history of the famous director Yasmin Ahmad. They condemned the publisher by sending a disapproval letter to the media group.
A group of reporters, Y, disapproved the action done by the newspaper Kosmo!, X. The act of condemning X (the tabloid newspaper ‘Kosmo!) by Y (A group of reporters)

Example #3

Pemimpin PAS diminta tampil membuat kenyataan mengutuk perbuatan memasang patung provokasi berhampiran beberapa pusat gerak kerja Barisan Nasional (BN) semalam dan menafikan PAS terbabit dalam insiden berkenaan.

PRK Sungai Limau: PAS perlu kutuk insiden pasang patung kaki - Shabery. (2009, November 3). Berita Harian.

The PAS leaders was asked to come forward to make a statement condemning the act of installing provocative statue and to deny that they were involved in such act.
To show their disapproval, the PAS leaders were asked to condemn the act of installing the provocative statue. The act of condemning X (the act of installing provocative statue) by Y (PAS leaders)

3.       Memaki

Example #1

Gara-gara kecewa dan melepaskan geram kerana di halang memasuki stadium untuk menonton perlawanan bola sepak, seorang lelaki didenda RM100 oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini selepas mengaku bersalah memaki seorang anggota polis wanita Sabtu lalu.

Lelaki didenda RM100 kerana memaki polis. (2013, October 22). Berita Harian

A man was fined RM100 by the Magistrate's Court after he pleaded guilty to cursing a police woman.
The act of condemning X (police officer) by Y (the man) out of anger and disappointment.

Example #2

JOYAH dengar seorang artis muda yang cantik wajahnya tapi perangainya tak berapa nak molek macam rupa parasnya itu. Bukannya apa, Joyah dengar dia sanggup maki hamun ibunya sambil mengeluarkan perkataan kesat dan tak langsung sedap didengar.

Tak kisahlah apa kesalahan atau kesilapan ibu kepada diri kita. Kecil atau besar tapi rasanya bukan sahaja tak manis malah amat kurang ajar kalau memaki ibu sendiri. Tapi si artis berwajah molek ini tak kisah itu semua asalkan dapat melampiaskan amarahnya. Tak pandang kiri kanan.

Amboi sedapnya memaki ibu!. (2009, August 16). Utusan Malaysia.

The writer expressed his view about the act of an artist, cursing his mother with abusive words. He considered the act as impudent.
The act of condemning X (mother) by Y (the artist) out of anger.

Example #3

Mengulas artikel akhbar milik Umno itu, Namewee membalas dengan memuat-naik satu lagi klip video dalam bahasa Melayu ke laman web perkongsian video YouTube malam tadi yang berjudul 'Namewee Fxxx Utusan'.

Video yang durasinya sedikit kurang daripada tiga minit, memaparkan kekecewaan Namewee yang bercakap dalam bahasa pasar ‘menghentam’ akhbar itu dan Fauziah.

Walaupun semua perkataan yang mencarut dan memaki dalam video itu telah disenyapkan, namun sebahagian daripadanya masih boleh didengar secara samar-samar.

Namewee bidas Utusan dalam video terbaru. (2011, September 28). Malaysiakini

To show his frustration to Utusan, rapper Namawee has produced a video with cursing words which although was muted, some of it can still be heard in the dim.
The act of condemning X (Utusan) by Y (Rapper Namawee) to show his frustration.

4.       Mencerca

Example #1

Azran (Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AirAsia X) menerusi akaun Facebook dan Twitternya baru-baru ini bertindak mencerca Utusan Malaysia sebagai sebuah akhbar rasis hanya kerana menyiarkan artikel berbentuk pertanyaan bertajuk 'Apa lagi Cina mahu' pada 7 Mei lalu.

Menerusi akaun Facebook beliau, Azran menulis: "I am Malaysian. I am anti-racism. I am disgusted by Utusan's editorial stance. (Saya rakyat Malaysia. Saya antiperkauman. Saya meluat dengan pendirian pengarang Utusan),"

Veteran UMNO boikot AirAsia, AirAsia X. (2013, May 19). Harian Metro

Azran recently railed Utusan Malaysia as a racist newspaper through his Facebook and Twitter accounts because the newspaper published an article entitled 'Apa lagi Cina mahu' on May 7.
The act of condemning X (Utusan Malaysia) by Y (Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia X, Azran Osman-Ran)

Example #2

Di samping itu juga, Islam melarang umatnya mencerca dan memaki apa-apa yang disembah oleh umat agama lain. Hal ini ditegaskan Allah SWT lewat firman-Nya yang bermaksud: “Dan janganlah kamu cerca benda-benda yang mereka sembah yang lain daripada Allah, kerana mereka kelak, akan mencerca Allah secara melampaui batas dengan ketiadaan pengetahuan.
Hikmah berdakwah secara lemah-lembut. (2012, March 21). Berita Harian

Islam forbids Muslims from insulting and cursing anything that is worshiped by the followers of other religions.
The prohibitions of condemning X (anything that is worshiped by the followers of other religions) by Y (Islam).

Example #3

"Dalam keghairahan musim pilihan raya ini masyarakat perlu bertindak secara sopan ketika menggunakan Internet dan laman sosial. Janganlah mencerca, menimbulkan kekacauan dan menyebarkan berita-berita palsu dalam talian", kata Datuk Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi.

PRU13: (SKMM) menerima 10 laporan berhubung penyebaran khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) palsu. (2013, April 26). Berita Harian

Datuk Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi has advised the society not to insult, cause chaos and spreading made-up news online.
X (The society) should not be condemning Y (each other / other people).

5.       Menghina

Example #1

Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) dan pembangkang meminta kerajaan segera mengenakan tindakan tegas terhadap pasangan remaja, Alvin Tan dan Viviana Lee yang menghina Islam.

Saranan itu disokong oleh Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Permatang Pauh) dengan berkata mereka yang menghina Islam tidak boleh diizinkan sama sekali di negara ini dan tindakan wajar mengikut undang-undang perlu diambil.

Penjarakan Alvin, Vivian. (2013, July 17). Berita Harian.

MPs Barisan Nasional (BN) and the opposition asked the government to immediately impose strict action on young couples, Alvin Tan and Viviana Lee who insult Islam. It was supported by the Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, saying that those who insulted Islam should not be allowed to be in the country and appropriate action should be taken.
The couple Alvin Tan and Viviana Lee was insulting Islam with offensive message on social network. The act of condemning X (Islam) by Y (Alvin Tan and Viviana Lee)

Example #2

Di manakah martabat mahasiswa diletakkan apabila keputusan ini dibuat tanpa wakil mahasiswa diajak bincang dan dirunding. Tidak disebut universiti jika tiada mahasiswa dan penuntut ilmu di dalamnya.

Tindakan ini seolah-olah menghina dan mencabul hak mahasiswa yang diiktiraf di dalam universiti untuk memberikan pandangan dan idea serta meraikan kebebasan bersuara yang dijamin oleh perlembagaan. Mungkinkah bagi mereka, mahasiswa ini hanya robot dan hanya perlu menerima sahaja apa yang diputuskan oleh pihak atasan?

Penggabungan fakulti menghina mahasiswa. (2013, September 5). Malaysiakini. 

The students regarded the act of the university of not allowing them to be a part of the decision making process to be in contempt and violation of their rights.
Action by the university was considered as insulting by the students. The act of condemning X (the student rights) by Y (the university administration)

Example #3

Presiden Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (PERKASA), Datuk Ibrahim Ali dipenjara satu hari dan denda RM20,000 oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, di sini selepas didapati bersalah menghina mahkamah berhubung artikel berkaitan seorang hakim dalam kes saman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim terhadap Utusan Malaysia.

Ibrahim Ali dipenjara sehari, denda RM20,000 kerana hina mahkamah. (2013, November 19). Berita Harian

The president of PERKASA, Datuk Ibrahim Ali was jailed one day and fined RM20,000 by the Kuala Lumpur High Court here after being found guilty of contempt of court.
Datuk Ibrahim Ali was found being rude the court. The act of condemning X (the court) by Y (Datuk Ibrahim Ali)


The set of verbs was first chosen in a way that they hypothetically have the same relational meaning. However, there are definitely some aspects which make the usage of those verbs different with each other.

Firstly, I would like to define each verb based on my understanding. The word mengata can be broadly defined as talking maliciously about someone who is not present. On the other hand, the word mengutuk is to express disapproval of, typically in public. This word also may bring the same meaning with the word mengata if the act is done behind someone’s back. Whereas, memaki can be construed as to utter offensive words in anger or annoyance, usually is done directly to subject of being accused.  The word mencerca and menghina both carry the same meaning, to insult or to display a disrespectful remark or action, but the latter is commonly used compared to the other.

Based on the definitions of the verbs, although they are used in different context, it is noticeable that there is always this one element that present which involving the act of declaring something to be reprehensible or disagreeable. That element is actually the invariant meaning of all the set of verbs, which is THE ACT OF CONDEMNING X BY Y.

Now let’s discuss how the verbs are different with each other. Aside that they are used in different context, we can differentiate each verb according to the degree of condemnation which is showed by the level of cline below:-


         The axis represents the degree or the extent of the condemnation which includes the act of condemning itself, subject being condemned or the effect of the action. As showed in the cline, the word mengata is placed at the lowest point. This is because the effect is actually the least to the person being condemned. The act is also usually involved with personal resentment between the doer and also the subject.  It is presented by the example below, which showed that the act of condemn was done by B due to his envy with A.
Bukan main lantang lagi B mengata itu ini, sedangkan diri sendiri tak adalah popular mana. Sekadar muncul dengan satu album, kemudian namanya terus tenggelam. Nampak sangat dia cemburukan A yang lebih bernasib baik.
       Next on the cline is the word mengutuk. The word essentially showed the act of condemning X to show disapproval of a certain action.
…malah pemimpin Tionghua juga mengutuk perbuatan pasangan ini.
In the clause above, the verb was use to show that the Tioghua leaders were also not in agreement with the action of the accused. In addition, is mentioned earlier, normally the action is done in public to let everyone else know about the subject matter. Then again, if it is done about someone who’s not present, the meaning will be the same as the word mengata.
        The word memaki is placed higher that the first two because of the directness of the action, which bring a greater effect to the one who’s accused. This act generally involved with the use of strong and foul language.  It is still consider as the act on condemning but usually triggered by anger or annoyance. It is illustrated as in the first example of the word in the findings where a man was fined RM100 when he cursed a police woman out of frustration and rage due to not been able to enter the stadium.
         Towards the higher level of cline are the words mencerca and menghina. As mentioned previously, these two words are almost similar to each other in terms of the act itself and the effect to the subject. When we use these two words, the action in discuss is considered to be very impolite or offensive and thus, lead to a more intense consequences to the doer.
In terms of markedness, the word mencerca tends to be more specific as the act normally involved with words, in spoken or written. The word menghina is more general and have the tendency to be neutral. Not only could the act be done in words by speaking or writing, it could also be done with action.

Di manakah martabat mahasiswa diletakkan apabila keputusan ini dibuat tanpa wakil mahasiswa diajak bincang dan dirunding. Tidak disebut universiti jika tiada mahasiswa dan penuntut ilmu di dalamnya. Tindakan ini seolah-olah menghina dan mencabul hak mahasiswa yang diiktiraf di dalam universiti untuk memberikan pandangan dan idea serta meraikan kebebasan bersuara yang dijamin oleh perlembagaan.  

As shown in the example above, in this context, the word menghina cannot be replaced with the word mencerca as it is describing the action of the university administration of not allowing the students in decision making process. Replacing the word menghina with the word mencerca here is not suitable.

       In conclusion, a group of words although used in different context, may convey the same invariant meaning, a distinctive semantic domain shared by the set. In this study, based on the examples used by the native speakers, we can deduce that the words mengata, mengutuk, memaki, mencerca and menghina carry the invariant meaning of THE ACT OF CONDEMNING X BY Y, where X is the subject and Y is the doer. 


Amboi sedapnya memaki ibu!. (2009, August 16). Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Bertudung tapi kuat mengata. (2012, February 26). Harian Metro. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Ibrahim Ali dipenjara sehari, denda RM20,000 kerana hina mahkamah. (2013, November 19). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Lelaki didenda RM100 kerana memaki polis. (2013, October 22). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Kosmo! mohon maaf isu Yasmin. (2009, July 30). Malaysiakini. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Namewee bidas Utusan dalam video terbaru. (2011, September 28). Malaysiakini. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Veteran UMNO boikot AirAsia, AirAsia X. (2013, May 19). Harian Metro. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Hikmah berdakwah secara lemah-lembut. (2012, March 21). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Penjarakan Alvin, Vivian. (2013, July 17). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Penggabungan fakulti menghina mahasiswa. (2013, September 5). Malaysiakini. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Penjarakan Alvin, Vivian. (2013, July 17). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

PRK Sungai Limau: PAS perlu kutuk insiden pasang patung kaki - Shabery. (2009, November 3). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

PRU13: (SKMM) menerima 10 laporan berhubung penyebaran khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) palsu. (2013, April 26). Berita Harian. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from
Sanggup mengata kerana cemburu. (2013, March 24). Harian Metro. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Saya tanggung malu. (2013, October 23). Harian Metro. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from

Tobin, Y. (1990). Semiotics and linguistics. London: Longman

Tobin, Y. (1995). Invariance, markedness and distinctive feature analysis: a contrastive study      of sign systems in English and Hebrew. Philadelphia: John Benjamin.

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